TR*NNYpunk Workshop notebook notes from when we tried to do a TsPx workshop in 005 IN ONLY TWO WEEKS PINKY AND MYSELF WILL BE ATTENDING THE FILTHEDELPHIAN TRANS TO PRESENT OUR VEGAS STYLE WORKSHOP the TRANS PUNK PERSPECTIVE BALANCING TRANS AND OUTSIDER IDENTITIES I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT DAY OR TIME ITS GONNA BE AND THIS COMPUTER DOES NOT HAVE A FUCKING MOUSE SO I GOTTA USE THE TAB KEY. THIS IS LIKE... WORKSHOP STYLE.. 60-90 MINUTES LONG PINK-CORE AND I WILL BE introducing the topic, talking about our own trans-punk lives for a very short ammount of time, and then laying down the issues we want to focus on. then we facillitate as we open it up to the room and let the assembled north american trans punk massive discourse and bring it. we have like many printed pages of email exchange between the two of us which mostly can be seen if your on pink-core's filter... but otherwise im not reposting it now cuz this computer has no fucking mouse and my arm is itchy and i wanna go home. im trying to draw up a semi final draft of our workshop guidline right now... this isn't like a lecture or anything... its open forum for kids who id as trans-punk... but we do want to guide things in to staying on topic and not decaying in to vaugue general trans rant... me and pink-core are maybe gonna talk for 20 minutes summed up grand total for both of us... the rest is facillitatin'...i like to keep saying "dont babble and dont dominate the disscussion" to myself over and over like a mantra.... a word about having a tran-PUNK workshop there was a bit of concern and negotiating about us asking for a punk worshop... specifically punk... the organisers asked if we might not be better to do it more as trans-outsiders, people who dont feel like they fit in to the trans community. pink told them we were totally inflexible on that point right off the bat. im glad she did. for one thing... i dont beleive in any trans community... especially cuz i live in montreal and see the fucking trans community every time i go in to the clinic or the student center or whatever. i think the idea of the trans community is this weird prop we drag out when we dont know what we're talking about. i take it to mean the old dual grouped thing. y'know... in the early twentieth century it was the real girls and the less fortunate ones... in the 70's it got termed the TVs and the TS.. but then there were TVs who transitioned and TS who didnt so it became the she-male show girls with big implants and the eerie unpassable old masculine girls in bad dresses... i think alot of people outside of trans circles, and even many trans people when they first discover the "trans community" are still sold on theese stereotypes. the medical communitee even named them the type ones and twos.. but thats all it is... a stereotype... and a stereotype isnt communitee. imagine any other group of people who felt anxiety that they didnt fit in with the stereotypes of their race or sexuality or gender or wutever... actually that happens all the time to just about everybuddy at somepoint but thats not what our mandate is. punk identitis and outsider identities pinky also pointed out early on, to me and to the organisers we negotiated with, that this wont be exclusivley PUNK PUNK PUNK. "everyone whos going to come see this is going to come knowing it isnt gonna be a bunch of peirced trans kids with blue mohawks in a circle pit sneering at everyone". (tho that would also be neat if someone else in the filthedelphian network would like to get that organised ..(im so fuckin there drunk and disorderly..) like pinky has been down and dirty and lost but right now she,s an art school hipster who wears white belts. i'm funny looking unemployed and smell weird, but ive spent most of my life being very apolitical and very outside of punk communitee. the kind of punk we want to attract and are talking about is more adjective than descriptive noun. STILL THIS IS NOT A WORKSHOP ABOUT EVERYONE !!!!! FOR everyone: yes.. certainly... we want non punks coming and we dont want to alientae them.. we want to represent to the non punks and explain our stuff. but this is not a workshop for the meerly alienated. defining punk most non punks have a mental image of what punk is about... there is a range expressed: it runs from "rebellious and obnoxious"... "hopless and nihlistic" to "blatantly irresponsible and willfully dumb" theese idea are not untrue. but they miss out on a bigger more important truth. theese are some of the symptoms associated with what can anything from a means of operation to a life philosphy of the punk kid in question. punks see the world differently than the bulk of society. to the punk kid social order looks like burocracy and bullshit morals look frequently untested and outdated the cycle of work and consumerism looks like jail and torture. punks dont rebell for attention, they great a world they find unplesent and closing in on them restricting their choices and movement with resistance. wether they protest,fight,sneakilly adapt, foot drag, or cease to fuction are all viable options. punks dont wallow in filth and ruin. many kida see contemporary consumerism as needless or awfull. we mend, we make do, and declinbe what we deam frivilous. or we don't.... there is't a rule, mostly punks do waht they want and general concencous just emerges. whats most important to note tho is that lots of people ,trans or not , in society see the world and think huge portions of it are wrong, opressive or bullshit. if we were talking only alienation and social malaise we'd be talking about the majority of peoples. when we define our mandate as punk tho we change "feel like we dont fit it" to "identitify that we dont fit in" our meaning of punk, is those who feel like they dont fit in, decide that they infact do not, declare that we are right and the majority is doing it wrong,and then go on to try to live our lives right, find allies and ways to integrate or avoid the rest of the world to protect our ideals, and carry that identity for the rest of our lives. That is what we mean by punks and that is why this worshop needs to be narrowed that way. attention alyssa !!!!!!this if we shortened it a lil bit without removing the narrative... THIS SHOULD BE THE 250 WORD STATEMENT ABOUT WHAT THIS WORKSHOP IS.....WHAT YOU THINK... GET BACK TO ME ?!?!?!?!?! I HAVE TO TYPE THE WORKSHOP OUTLINE AND STUFF BUT I CANT RIGHT NOW AT ALL CUZ THEY'RE CLOSING THE STUDENT LOUNGE !!!!!!!I PROLLY WONST SEE A COMPUTER AGIN UNTILL LIKE THURSDAY !!!! in the mean time the workshop is gonna have three themes after we present the less rambly version of everything i just said here. these are IDENTIY what trans punk is and what it means and identities and shit OBSTIKLES AND SUBVERSION sometimes being punk and trans means not getting taken seriously but i can also mean that youve had practice at being dissmissed as an outcast so you got the strenght from one to handle the other... cross discipline COMUNITEEEE i feel like queer punk has left out the trannys. also ive been out of any punk scene since i started to live trans but now im starting to seneak back in and see real queers being real punks and real trans kids too... do we want trans punk commu nnity ?!?!?!?! maybe sortof ??!?! so yeh THEY ARE TRHROWING ME OUT RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
I DONT KNOW HOW YOU FOUND IT, BUT YOU ARE IN THE TsPx ARCHIVES !!! YEP. A Library Gallery of ancient Trans Rants from back when i was young and angry. Thank to the Bio-s for trammpling my will and spirit !! With my soul crushed I can now function as a blank eyed drone in society and not cause any trouble!! yay !! I'm so emotionless with no soul and I'll never feel again !!! THIS WAS WRITTEN years ago when i was young and sensitive (now i'm old and jaded). Fuck off with the hurt feelings hate mail. Stop disagreeing with me or i'll ride my bike to your town and hit you. Alot. |
Get off estrogen and dose on Psychmeds I think this link goes to the index but i havent tried it. |